James: Real Faith
This is actually a full curriculum for studying through the book of James, written by the pastoral staff at CHBC. For more information about this program, please contact us.
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Unit 1: The Testing of Real Faith (1:1-18)
Lesson 1: Real Faith Endures Trials (1:1-12)
Lesson 2: Real Faith Escapes Temptations (1:13-18)
Unit 2: The Traits of Real Faith (1:19–5:6)
Lesson 3: Real Faith Welcomes the Word (1:19-27)
Lesson 4: Real Faith Removes Partiality (2:1-13)
Lesson 5: Real Faith Results in Works (2:14-26)
Lesson 6: Real Faith Tames the Tongue (3:1-12)
Lesson 7: Real Faith Practices Wisdom (3:13-18)
Lesson 8: Real Faith Produces Humility (4:1-10)
Lesson 9: Real Faith Depends on God (4:11-17)
Unit 3: The Triumph of Real Faith (5:1-20)
Lesson 10: Real Faith Invests in Eternity (5:1-6)
Lesson 11: Real Faith Endures Suffering (5:7-12)
Lesson 12: Real Faith Fervently Prays (5:13-20)