We live in a culture where the Bible's vision for men is increasingly under attack. In this hostile environment, Colonial Hills Baptist Church seeks to build men of character who reflect the humble, gracious, and courageous picture of manhood painted in Scripture. Colonial desires to see strong fathers and kind husbands, bold leaders and humble listeners who reflect the character of Christ. To accomplish this goal we have periodic men's events designed to encourage, exhort, and equip men to love and serve God at home and in the church.
Upcoming Event
We will have our third and final men's Bible study of the year Friday, September 20 from 6:30-9:00. We will meet at the Dawsons, and dinner will be provided. The cost is $5, but first time visitors are free. We hope to see you there!
Men's Bible Study (Wisdom) - January 12 Men's Bible Study (Men) - April 19 Men's Breakfast - June 15 Men's Campout - August 9-10 Men's Bible Study - September 13 Men's Dinner with Evangelist DeGarde - October 29