This 8 week course will give the lay student of God's Word an introduction into the topic of hermeneutics - the study of interpreting God's Word. By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Understand the importance of careful Bible interpretation;
Identify and avoid the most common mistakes when studying and interpreting God's Word;
Utilize basic methods for studying any passage;
Discern the difference between Covenant and Dispensational views of the Old and New Testament, understanding how the Old Testament prepares the way for Christ;
Recognize the importance of various genres (letter, narrative, prophecy, and wisdom/poetry) and their influence on interpretation; and
Find and use quality resources for personal Bible study.
This course will have 2 components: video lectures and assignments.
Video Lectures will cover various topics related to hermeneutics. The first four lectures will cover the basics of hermeneutics, and the last four will cover rules for interpreting specific types of literature: letter, stories, poetry, and prophecy. Lecture notes will be included with the videos.
Optional Assignments will be included with each lesson to help you practice the principles learned in the lesson by studying specific passages of Scripture.
If you have any further questions, please email Pastor Ben at [email protected].